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Giving Back to the Community ~ One World, Many Stories

2011 March 13
by Billy Gorilly

Click on Image to listen to One World, Many Stories Library Song

Billy Gorilly has done it again. He has released another very fun and catchy library song.

This one is called “ONE WORLD, MANY STORIES”

As a way to give back to the community, Billy Gorilly is offering a free 55-second version of his song to help you promote the Children’s Library Summer Reading Program One World, Many Stories.

This song is ready for you to use. It would work perfectly in a radio ad, video, puppet show, or to start out a school presentation. You can also add a link on your website to the song, or download the mp3.
Take a listen and feel free to use this promotional resource click here
Find out more about Billy Gorilly at his website



A Bunch of Library Songs

2011 February 25

Flying bug holding books As a way to share and give back to the communityBilly Gorilly has been offering  commercial ready versions of his library songs for free. We love the library and want to do what we can to help get kids interested in going. Are you in charge of picking songs for your library reading program? Or A teacher or parent that wants to play a song to help encourage children to visit and learn at the library? We have the perfect library songs for you. I thought it would be helpful if I made a list of Billy Gorilly’s Library songs with links so they are easy to find.

Library Songs by Billy Gorilly

Billy Gorilly offers two versions of each song.

Listen Free Buy (album version) One World, Many Stories
Listen Free Buy (album version) Get A Clue
Listen Free Buy (album version) Be Creative at Your Library
Listen Free Buy (album version) Catch the Reading Bug
Listen Free Buy (album version) Make A Splash — Read

We hope you enjoy listening.


Billy Gorilly and the Crew

A Nice Letter From The Mommies Network

2011 February 24
by Billy Gorilly

Just In — We really appreciate the nice thank you note we received from the Mommies Network. They are an organization that helps moms in need. We are so happy to hear their network is growing rapidly, and thankful Billy Gorilly could play a small part.


Dear John Maellaro:

The Mommies Network had a tremendous year in growth internally as well as externally in 2010. With over 100 chapters nationally, over 32,000 members, and with an average of 104 new members daily, TMN is growing rapidly and making a positive impact on the communities where our members live and in the national “community” as well.

As The Mommies Network continues to grow and expand in 2011, we wanted to pause and thank those businesses and individuals who have helped us to reach a new level in our growth. We are grateful to you for your support in 2010 and want you to know that without the support of you and others like you, we would not be where we are today. Your donation of five Billy Gorilly – Rockin’ the School House vol 1 & 2 CD Sets for our national auction was greatly appreciated and helped us to raise $1,000 for the National Association to End Domestic Violence and to provide support to over 30,000 women across the county.

The beginning of 2011 has already seen tremendous changes and growth for The Mommies Network with more to come. In an effort to refocus on our mission, TMN is shifting our charitable focus on volunteering in our community. When the economy is tough our charitable contributions are typically one of the first things to go, but that does not have to mean money or collecting goods. It can also mean time and talent. We are going to explore the opportunities right in our neighborhoods where we can lend a helping hand. Additionally, The Mommies Network plans to open approximately 20 more sites, bringing on a new board of directors, and launch a national forum. 2011 sees us confidently moving forward in our mission to ensure that every mommy has a community where she can find support.

Thank you again for your support in 2010. We are looking forward to what 2011 has in store and hope that you will continue to support our work and our mission.

Thank you,

Christine Byrd
Director of Development
The Mommies Network

2011 – ALSC Notable Children’s Recordings Nominations List

2011 January 14

2011 ALSC Notable Children’s Recordings — Nominated Titles

All of us here at are proud and honored to have
Billy Gorilly – Rockin’ the SchoolHouse, Vol.2 included as part of the ALSC Notable Children’s Recordings Nominations Discussion List for 2011. We’d like to thank and praise all the committee members for their tireless work auditioning countless submissions and compiling the list. We would also like to congratulate all the winners.

We look forward to 2011 being another year filled with educating and engaging children through our recordings and encouraging them to reach their full potential by becoming life-long learners.

We’re also very happy to announce that we’ve added Follett Library Resources/Book Wholesalers Inc. as one of our official distributors.

If you have any other questions or need more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us here.

John and Tamara Maellaro

A Chance To Just Be A Kid

2010 December 2


‘Tis the season to spread the joy of a happy, fortunate life. All of us here at are proud to help out by providing Billy’s version of “Jingle Bells” as the soundtrack for their Viva Christmas Parties promotional video.

Viva’s primary year round focus is facilitating, supporting, and coordinating “Children at Risk” programs that help over 1 million kids in 24 different countries around the world. The programs provide the essentials of food, safety, health care, and education to children that otherwise may go without.

Near the end of each year Viva also sponsors a series of Christmas parties at various locations across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. These parties give children from poor families the opportunity to know the joy of having a good meal, receiving a gift, and sharing in the celebration. But mostly it gives them the chance to just be a kid.

To learn more visit:

Wishing You  A Very Happy Holiday Season,

Billy Gorilly and the Crew

“The Rabbit and the Turtle” done Billy Gorilly Style

2010 September 8
by Billy Gorilly

It’s Podcast Time and We’re Celebrating

© 2010 all rights reserved

Hi Friends,

We hope everyone had a fun-filled summer and we especially want to thank all the librarians and teachers who made the summer reading program a great success. Big thanks to all of you who posted Billy Gorilly’s “Make A Splash” song on your websites, and incorporated it into your summer events.

Just Released

Billy Gorilly Show Podcast for Kids Episode #23
An Educational Radio Show for kids ages 3-6

Proud as a peacock and pleased as punch.

Let’s Celebrate!

The Rockin’ the SchoolHouse series has just been named a 2010 Children’s Educational Products Preferred Choice by Creative Child magazine, and also given their Seal of Excellence award.

Join Billy and his pals as they all sing the Celebration song and have a good time.
Then hear Aesop’s fable “The Rabbit & the Turtle” done Billy Gorilly style. The rabbit’s running fast and the turtle’s taking his time, but see who ends up winning the race.

Click image to go to podcast and activity pageAs always, free activity pages can be downloaded for this episode, so that kids can learn even more.

As Billy Gorilly likes to say

Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
and You Can Make  Everyday
Simply Splendiferous!


The Mommies Network 1st National Online Auction

2010 September 5
by Billy Gorilly

Billy Gorilly is honored to be a contributor to

The Mommies Network 1st National Online Auction

The Mommies Network provides a safe, secure, FREE place for mothers to find support and encouragement from other mothers and to empower them to be better women, parents and community leaders.

The auction will be going live tonight at 10pm EST and after that time will be able to be viewed online at

Help support moms and families by shopping at the auction.


Billy Gorilly and the crew


10 Tips for School Success

2010 August 26
by Billy Gorilly

    Click on image for printable version of tips

    Click Here for Printable Version of Tips

    • Show real interest in your child’s schoolwork
    • Make sure your child gets enough sleep
    • Set a time for study and write it on the calendar
    • Have a backpack/book bag and keep it in a specific place
    • Get your child to school on time
    • Help your child start school on solid ground by helping them learn the basics
    • “Brain Food” Provide a healthy lunch to take to school
    • Add a surprise message inside your child’s lunch box
    • Relax, take a deep breath, go for a walk, and enjoy your family


    A Sweet Little Note and a Hug

    2010 July 15
    by Billy Gorilly

    Did You Know July 19th is National Hug your Child Day?

    This year National Hug your child day is on July 19th. It falls on the 3rd Monday in July. So, this year 2010, it’s the 19th. You can find more about the mom who started this special day here.

    Of course we believe you should hug your loved ones everyday, but this is a nice reminder to all of us. Life is sometimes fragile and we never want to miss an opportunity to do something nice for the people we care about.

    Hugs are great and so are little notes

    Who doesn’t like a sweet little note from someone they love and care about, I know I do. I love when I find a note on the steering wheel of my car from my hubby. Or, in my suitcase when I have to travel for work.

    Kids are no different. They love it when they find a note tucked into their lunch box or notebook. These notes can be as fancy or as simple as you want or have the time to create.

    Don’t worry if your child does not run home after school and jump in your arms praising you for the little note. They might not say anything at all. They will talk about them most when they are older and reminiscing. Saying something like “remember those little notes mom used to put in our lunch box? I loved those notes”.

    To help you get started I would like to share with you a free printable from Billy Gorilly.

    Download the free printable now ? BillyGorilly_LunchBoxNotes

    Have a great day everyone, and don’t forget to give someone a hug!



    Kids Learn With Billy Gorilly

    2010 June 30
    by Billy Gorilly

    Hi Friends,

    It’s that time again. Summer is in full swing and the kids are out of school. I have some news I would like to share with you. Billy Gorilly has a new podcast episode up and ready for your child to listen to. Podcast are great for the kiddos, easy to listen and learn anywhere. Perfect for those long road trips in the car, lazy afternoons, or a trip to grandmas. We even offer free printable activity pages for each episode.

    Don’t know what a podcast is? I will explain below. Just keep reading…

    Listen and sing along with Billy Gorilly, and his pals from the Candy Appletree Family and have some fun.

    Billy Gorilly Podcast for Kids episode #22

    Click image to go to Billy Gorilly Podcast for Kids #22Wendy and Timmy have fun singing about their favorite flying librarian “Mrs. Flicker Fireflybrarian”. She’s always helpful as can be, and will find you the perfect book to read.


    Take an imaginary “Walk In The Woods” with Billy Gorilly and the Candy Appletree Family. You can sing La La La until you learn the words to this song. In your journey you will see birds, creeks, ferns, squirrels, and more.

    Download and print all the activity sheets to go along with this episode for even more learning fun for the kidlets.

    Click to go to podcast episode 22 with free worksheets

    Where can I find this podcast?

    ? Listen to this podcast and get the activity sheets right on Billy Gorilly’s website ?here

    Note: The activity sheets are only available on Billy’s Website.

    ? Subscribe to this podcast using iTunes and get automatic updates.  This makes it easy to add the podcast to your  iPod, and you will never miss an episode. Subscribe with iTunes.

    ? Here is the RSS feed

    What the heck is a podcast anyway?

    What’s a podcast you might say; well, it is a “radio show” or media file that you can listen to on your computer, iPod, or other mp3 player. It is one of the newest ways for you to listen to radio type shows anywhere or anytime you want. We have made it possible for you to listen on our website or you can find us on iTunes making it easy for you to receive automatic updates on your computer when you subscribe for free. We are keeping our podcast short, 10 minutes or less. At this time we plan on releasing a new podcast every other month. Each podcast is made especially for ages 3-up with a different learning theme, check it out and let us know what you think.

    Still have questions or comments. Send us an email hereContact us


    Follow us (BillyGorilly) on Twitter

    We would love feedback from you.

    Do you use iTunes? Did your kids enjoy listening? We would love it if you left some comment love  on iTunes.


    We hope you and your family have a terrific summer,

    and the Billy Gorilly Crew