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One World, Many Stories @ Your Library — Video

2011 May 19

Hi Everyone,

Well, we couldn’t help ourselves and had to make a Kids Summer Library Reading Program Promotional Video for ONE WORLD, MANY STORIES. We wrote a song, produced a podcast, and now a Youtube video.

We hope you like it. If it helps just one child take part in reading a book this summer, then we will be happy.

Enjoy the video,

The Billy Gorilly Crew

Here are some other One World, Many Stories
Resources from Billy Gorilly You Might Like

Quick Links:
Super Simple Bookmark Craft
Library Song: One World Many Stories — Free  Promo version
Library Song: One World, Many Stories — Album Version
Download Bookmark Template
Other Library songs by Billy Gorilly
Billy Gorilly website

2 Responses Post a comment
  1. Lacy permalink
    July 9, 2011

    i tried to get the rss-Feed but feed site showing me some XML errors.

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