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Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive Sweepstakes

2012 January 15

Congratulations! to Mark Reeves (@markoreeves) Winner of the Accentuate the Positive Sweepstakes $50 prize.


Why should I enter the Sweepstakes?

• Get Your Artwork in a Music Video
• Get Your Name in the Credits
• Earn a Chance to Win $50
• Spread Joy and Have Fun


How Do I Enter the Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive Sweepstakes?

  1. Draw a picture, take a photograph, or create a computer graphic
  2. Fill out the form and upload your image

What Kind of Picture does it Need to Be?
The image must be your original photograph, drawing, or computer graphic that shows how you look at the bright side, being positive, or happy.

If you draw a picture, scan it and convert it into a JPG or JPEG file. Upload all images using the entry form.

If you have trouble you can email us at with Accentuate Sweepstakes in the subject line.

Who Can Enter?
The sweepstakes is open to anyone. Kids under 18 need parent/guardian approval. Read Terms and Conditions on the form. There is no purchase necessary to enter.

If I win how will I get paid?
We will pay $50 US dollars to one winner via PayPal. If you live outside the USA please check to see if you can accept payment via PayPal prior to entering.The winner will be pick by random drawing.

Can I Enter More Than Once?
One image entry per person. You can earn more chances to win by Tweeting, Liking Billy Gorilly on Facebook, commenting on this blog post, or subscribing to Billy Gorilly’s Blog RSS feed. Once you fill out the form and upload your picture to enter, all your other options will show on the widget below.

What Video Will My Picture Be In?
We will be making a music video of Billy Gorilly’s new recording of the classic song
“Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive”.

Take a listen to a sampling of the song
Billy Gorilly – Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive

Can I Buy the song?
Yes you can buy the song at  CDbaby  and  iTunes
(No purchase necessary to enter sweepstakes)


Count me in I want to Enter. I have my picture and I’m ready to go

To Start log in with your Facebook account or email  on the widget below and follow the directions.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Go Behind The Scenes to Find Out Why Billy Gorilly decided to Record this Song

Learn more about Billy Gorilly at

3 Responses Post a comment
  1. January 16, 2012

    Love this Sweepstakes idea! I submitted a shot of graffiti found in Vienna while looking out the door of a converted steel-working shop. The “Say Hi!” brought a smile to my face and has been a popular photo in my collection. Best wishes!

  2. January 17, 2012

    Hi Mark,
    I love the picture. You are the first entry. Thank you and good luck!

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  1. Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate The Positive Sweepstakes by Billy Gorilly Music | Kidz Rock! Inc.

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