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Color, Cut, Dazzle – Simple Craft for Kids

2011 December 3

Stop! Don’t throw out that coloring page your child just finished. Turn it into something special like a window mobile, gift tag, or tree ornament.

First pick out a suitable coloring page. We used this December coloring page that you can download here



Let the kiddos have fun coloring.



****** let’s gestarted making our craft *******

First cut out each image as shown below.

Now we want to back our images with colored card stock to give them stiffness and durability. Note: You can also print out the coloring page on card stock and omit this step.

Glue card stock to image then trim the colored card stock close to image or leave some showing, like the December image above. See the back of the image below.


Want to make it dazzle? Add some glitter glue or other embellishments.

Punch a hole in the top of snowman, hot cocoa cup, and tree. Use pipe cleaners, ribbon, or string and thread through hole.


To make the window mobile you will also need to punch 3 holes in the December piece as shown below


Use the tags for the mobile, or as Tree ornaments. I wish I had a tree here to hang the ornament on to show you what they would look like. You will have to use your imagination.


Or you can use them as Gift Tags. Write the name on the back of the tag and tie with a pretty ribbon or string.

****** Pretty Cute, Don’t You Think? – Color, Cut, Dazzle *******

We hope you and the kids enjoy this sweet and simple holiday craft.

Take a picture of your creations and share it with everyone on
Billy Gorilly’s Facebook Page

Quick Links:
December Coloring Page
Get more Winter themed coloring pages

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Happy Holidays!

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