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15 Benefits of Audio Stories for Kids

2011 May 9

With all the technology out there today you might think there is no room for low-tech audio stories. I’m happy to tell you that audio stories are still very popular. 

I would like to share with you, 15 benefits of listening to audio stories with the kids.

1. Improves listening skills
2. Helps improve story comprehension
3. Easy to listen while on errands or long car rides
4. More than one child can listen at the same time
5. Can spark a love of reading in low-interest readers
6. Aids in word pronunciation
7. Helps with word memorization
8. Stories underscored with music help kids stay focused and learn new sounds
9. Children enjoy hearing different characters or narrators
10. Develops a child’s imagination as they visualize the story
11. A pre-reading child can listen to the story over and over by themselves
12. Audio stories are just plain fun to listen to
13. Great for ESL students
14. Audio stories are affordable and portable
15. Can be listened to as the child falls asleep

What do you think about audio books for kids?  Do you ever use them?

Fan of audio books, or new to the idea, you just might want to check out Billy Gorilly’s latest CD.
It’s a collection of audio stories underscored with music. You can Look, Listen, and buy here

Want to Win your copy of Billy Gorilly’s audio story CD

Fellow blogger A MotherHood Experience is having a giveaway.
Head over to her site to Win. It’s easy!    (contest ends May 25, 2011)

Aesop's Fables For Today's Kids cd cover - click image to listen

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“If You want to be a leader,
first you’ve got to be a reader”
–Billy Gorilly

Other  sites I found talking about the benefits of audio books for kids

The Literacy Benefits of Audio Books for Your Kids

Audio Books for Toddlers

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