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Billy Gorilly Helps Kids Learn Months of the Year

2014 August 26



Just in Time for Back-to-School


Well, it’s “Back to School” time and, if you’re anything like me, you’re probably thinking about how much more you could get done if you only had a little help. There’s always so much to do, and never enough time. From the little things like “what’s for lunch?”, to the big things like making sure your kids learn everything they’ll need to enjoy a happy, fulfilling life.

As this school year starts and your kids get into their learning routine, why not let Billy Gorilly be your new helper. After all, his fun personality and down to earth outlook on life will have kids learning what they need to know, while they think they’re busy having a good ol’ time. Like in his new “Months of the Year” video, where your kids will learn the month names, numbers, seasons, and fun facts about the number twelve…. all in a  cartoon they’ll want to watch and sing along with over and over again.

Creating an atmosphere where your kids can learn and grow and thrive doesn’t have to be difficult or overwhelming. Just keep it simple, enlist the help of trusted friends, and have some fun with it all. This video is also perfect for kids learning english. Great for the ESL classroom!


We’re Trying Something New


This is the first time I’ve embedded a Facebook post (including the video) into a blog post. I’m not really sure if this is a good thing or bad. The only way to find out is to try it.

I will also put an image below the embedded post with a simple link to the video so you can go directly to YouTube and watch it. I want to make it as easy as possible for you to see the video. If you have any troubles I would love to hear about it. If I don’t know what is going wrong, I can’t fix it.


If You Can’t See the Video Above

Click on this Image or Link to View Video on YouTube

Billy Gorilly Months of the Year Video

Follow Billy Gorilly on:


YouTube: BillyGorilly

Twitter: @BillyGorilly

Facebook: Billy.Gorilly

Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
And You Can Make Everyday
Simply Splendiferous!

 and the Billy Gorilly Crew 



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