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Making Months Meaningful – It’s All About Making Connections

2014 August 28

Teaching Kids Months of the Year


“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin



For your little one, knowing the months of the year goes beyond just knowing the date. By making connections to each month, your child can become excited about their world and make long lasting memories.





Ideas for making connections:


Months of the Year

  • At the beginning of each month, talk about birthdays, holidays, and events that will be happening.
  • At the end of each month, take a ‘memory walk’ and talk about the busy month. Remember the big things like birthdays and the little things like playing in the sprinklers.
  • While riding in the car or playing, play Billy Gorilly’s “Months of the Year” song. When the current month comes up throw your hands in the air and wave them around! Let that energy flow.
  • Make your own monthly calendar showing what events are coming up that month. Add matching pictures, clip art, stickers, etc. to dress it up.




Months of the Year Sing-Along Song

[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Months of the Year (sample)@″ captions=”by Billy Gorilly;”]

Buy Months of the Year song at  Amazon  •  CdBaby  •  iTunes




Blog Post by
Stephanie Paton
Wife, Mother, Educator



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