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Teaching Children How To Count Money

2013 June 4

We’re Gonna Count Some Money

Penny, Dime, Nickel, Quarter


During the PreK-G1 years students are working toward:

  • Being able to identify a penny, nickel, dime, quarter, and dollar
  • Ability to correctly choose coins that are the same when in a group
  • Knowing how many pennies make a nickel
  • Knowing how many nickels make a dime
  • Knowing how many nickels make a quarter
  • Knowing how many quarters make a dollar
  • Understanding money buys things


One way to start learning about money is to sing a song. Billy Gorilly’s song “Counting Money To A Beat” will help children learn about pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, and dollars.

Start your money lesson by having the children sing along to the song. Or sing along to the song as you drive the kids around in the mini-van. The repetition and rhythm of the song helps children remember the names of coins and how the words are pronounced. This makes it a great addition for ESL learners.


 Listen to Counting Money To A Beat


[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Counting Money To A Beat@
” captions=”by Billy Gorilly;”]



 Buy song at AmazonCdBabyiTunes

Lyrics – Counting Money To A Beat

Money! Money! We’re gonna count some money.
Money! Money! We’re gonna count some money.

Five Pennies. Five Pennies. Five Pennies make a Nickel.
Five Pennies. Five Pennies. Five Pennies make a Nickel.

Two Nickels. Two Nickels. Two Nickels make a Dime.
Two Nickels. Two Nickels. Two Nickels make a Dime.

Five Nickels. Five Nickels. Five Nickels make a Quarter.
Five Nickels. Five Nickels. Five Nickels make a Quarter.

Four Quarters. Four Quarters. Four Quarters make a Dollar.
Four Quarters. Four Quarters. Four Quarters make a Dollar.

Money! Money! We just counted money.
Money! Money! We just counted money.



Teaching Children to differentiate Between the 4 standard U.S. Coins


Get out your change jar and have the children look at the different coins. Discuss with them how the coins are different from each other. Quarters are bigger than dimes, pennies are a different color, dimes are small…

Being able to identify and differentiate between the coins is the beginning of learning how to count money.

Printable Money Matching Worksheets

Coin Money Matching

Click to print



Worksheet with coins - Circle the matching coins

Click to print


Learn more about Billy Gorilly’s Rockin’ The SchoolHouse learning songs and printable eBooks click Here

For more information about Billy Gorilly visit our website


Until Next Time…

Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
And You Can Make Everyday
Simply Splendiferous!




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