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Ladybugs Are Cute

2012 March 24

Ladybugs Are Cute

Spring Fun!

After being cooped up in the house all winter spring is the perfect time to relax, get the kids (and you) outside, breath some fresh air, and have some exploration fun. Take 20-30 minutes out of your day to turn off the tech gear and go for a walk with the kids.

Want to make it a teaching moment? As you walk around point out how the trees and plants are changing. Count the different kinds of flowers you see. Look for snails, bugs, and baby birds. Keep it simple and fun. You don’t want it to be stressful for you or the kids.

If you are lucky you will see a cute little ladybug. Ladybugs, or as some call them lady beetles, are wonderful to have in your gardens because they like to eat pesky insects called aphids. They might even bring you good luck.

When you come back from your walk and you’re hungry for a snack…

Why not make some tasty ladybug apples.

snacks for kids

Ladybug Apple Recipe

1  small red apple
2 tsp  strawberry cream cheese or peanut butter
raisins or dried cranberries
1  red or black seedless grape
(Optional) lettuce leaves for garnish if desired


Color a Ladybug and Learn 10 Facts – Includes Recipe


Get More Spring Printables here

Visit our website here



Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
And You Can Make Everyday
Simply Splendiferous!

and the Billy Gorilly crew



3 Responses Post a comment
  1. March 24, 2012

    I LOVE Ladybugs! Love your sweet photo and recipe too!! Once upon a time I built my first website around a Ladybug theme so I included that old skool URL just for fun! I will share soon on my facebook ID: Ladybugcda too! ? Good bye, gotta ~FLY~

    • March 25, 2012

      Thank you for flying by. It’s hard not to love ladybugs. I took the picture in my backyard, hard to get when they keep moving LOL.
      Also truly appreciate the share!

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