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Global Handwashing Day

2015 October 15


Don’t Forget To Wash Your Hands


Billy Gorilly’s SuperStar Hand Washing video makes learning about hand washing fun. It keeps the germ talk simple so it’s not too scary. In the video Billy teaches kids the basics of Why, When, and How to wash their hands in words they can understand. Then, they get to pretend to be world famous rock stars singing the SuperStar Hand Washer song. The song is just the right length for hand washing timing, easy to sing, and lets those pesky little germs know who’s boss as they’re being sent down the drain. You just might find yourself singing the song too. I think it makes a lot more sense than happy birthday. What does your birthday have to do with hand washing anyway?

Handwashing with soap and water is an affordable, easy, and effective way to prevent diseases.



Hand washing is one of the best ways
to not get sick or spread germs

Our goal is to help kids form a healthy habit of
good hand washing that will last a lifetime.

Complete Hand Washing Lesson Plan for Teachers

Hand Washing Lesson PlanWe’ve created a hand washing lesson kit that contains everything you need to teach a classroom full of children how to wash their hands. This kit makes it easy for you to teach kids about handwashing. The teacher/leader script helps you every step of the way.

Learn More about the SuperStar Hand Washing Lesson Plan







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