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Mom’s Strawberry Shortcake

2013 June 27

Summer is here and it’s the perfect time to make strawberry shortcake. The grocery stores and farmers markets have beautiful strawberries this time of year. This recipe for strawberry shortcake is the same one my mom, grandma, and great grandma used to make. The only difference is my grandma’s used home baked biscuits, pound cake, or angel food cake. I usually use the store bought cakes because its easier. I also use whip cream in the can. I have made my own whipped cream and I have used frozen whipped topping, but I aways go back to the canned whip. This is a very simple recipe and it’s sure to be a hit with the family.

Cool • Light • Fabulous

Printable recipe at end of post.


Strawberry Shortcake

Print Recipe


Until Next Time…

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