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Spring Activities and Song

2013 March 23

 Spring is Here and it Makes Me Happy




Don’t you just love spring? I do.  I love all the different flowers starting to bloom in our yard and neighborhood. Spring is a great time to teach children about different types flowers.

Here are a few ways for you to bring flower education into the classroom.

Listen to a song about Flowers


Betty Bat, a friend of Billy Gorilly

Listen to Billy Gorilly’s friend Betty Bat sing the song Flowers

[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Flowers@″ captions=”by Billy Gorilly and Betty Bat;”]

Buy Flowers song here  Amazon • CdBaby •  iTunes



Color a Picture with Flowers

SpringTulips with Happy Faces



Get out the crayons and let the kiddos color as they listen to music.

If you are looking for a flower art project that includes coloring, cutting, and gluing you might enjoy this 3-D flower art project.


Click button to Print Tulip Coloring Page

Click to download and print coloring page



White Carnation Science Project

Even though it was a very long time ago, I still remember doing this in class when I was in kindergarten. I remember how excited I got when the flower started changing colors. I also remember teaching my friends this trick when I was in 7th grade and we had a fund-raiser selling carnations. Learn more about the science behind it here.


  1. Fill a glass one-half full with water. Add around 20-30 drops of red, blue, green, or yellow food coloring to the water.
  2. Take a white carnation and carefully cut the stem at an angle. Kids will need help with this because you should use sharp scissors or a knife to do this.
  3. Immediately put the stem into the water. Set aside and wait for the magic to happen. It usually takes a few hours before you will start seeing a color change. Look at your flower each day and take note of the changes.



Make a Flower Themed Pencil Topper

This flower pencil topper is easy to make and fun to use. I thought it was so cute I put it in my wall organizer above my desk at the Billy Gorilly headquarters.

Click image to see larger Flower-pencil-topper














Supplies Needed:

  • 2 different sizes of heart-shaped punches Heart Shaped Punches
  • 2 different colors of construction paper
  • Glue
  • Tape
  • 1 Pipe cleaner
  • Glitter glue or sequins



Back of Flower pencil topper

  1. Punch 4 large hearts and 4 small hearts (use the picture above for example)
  2. Cut a square out of one color of paper. Mine was 3″x3″.
  3. Glue the 4 large hearts in the center of the square of paper.
    Have the points of the heart touching each other.
  4. Glue the small hearts on top of the larger hearts.
  5. Add glitter glue or gem on center of flower
  6. Cut around the square paper with hearts to shape the flower.
  7. Take a pipe cleaner and wrap one end around pencil as shown in picture. Leave some extra at the top. Tape pipe cleaner to back of flower. If you want both sides to be pretty, make 2 flowers and tape one to the back to cover the tape and pipe cleaner.



Take the Kids on a Nature Walk

Go on a nature walk with the kids. Discuss the types and colors of the different  flowers you see on your walk. Ask questions… Are these BIG flowers, little flowers, tough flowers, or delicate flowers. Do you see any flowers on a vine? Does the flower smell pretty, stinky, or not at all?

This is also a good time to talk about things you might see during different seasons. What do the plants look like during spring.  Are the leaves on trees just budding and turning green? Or, are they changing to red, yellow, brown and starting to fall off.


Get more SPRING activities click here

To learn more about Billy Gorilly visit our website




Until Next Time…

Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
And You Can Make Everyday
Simply Splendiferous!

 and the Billy Gorilly Crew 




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