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Mom’s Baked Apple Slices

2013 May 22

Super Easy Baked Apple Recipe


Hello friends,

I made some baked apple slices today and I thought I would share the recipe with you.

These baked apples are so quick and easy to make. They cook in the microwave in only 2 minutes. They are perfect for an afternoon snack, my daughter loves them. If you want the apples really mushy then just cook a bit longer. I like mine to have a teeny tiny bit of firmness.

This recipe makes one serving, but you could easily increase the amounts to make more. From start to finish it only took me 5 minutes to make, and that included taking pictures. I hope you enjoy!


Moms Baked Apple Slices: healthier dessert option | @BillyGorilly

Until Next Time…

Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
And You Can Make Everyday
Simply Splendiferous!

 and the Billy Gorilly Crew 

5 Responses Post a comment
  1. October 29, 2013

    I tried these with honeycrisps and the result was watery mush. Anyone else have this issue?

    • October 29, 2013

      Hi Rachel,
      Sorry you ended up with watery mush. The problem is most likely the type of apple you used. Honeycrisp is known to make watery applesauce. I have used gala and golden delicious with excellent results. If you ever try again I hope you have better luck. Thanks for leaving a comment, it might help someone else.


  2. Emily permalink
    March 10, 2014

    I’m going to try this but with Granny Smith (my favorite apple and typically used for apple pie)!

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