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Frogs and Toads Learning Activities

2013 April 26

April is National Frog Month

Lets have some fun learning about frogs!

Hopping Toads and Jumping Frogs


10 Facts About Frogs

  1. Frogs belong to a group called vertebrates (animals with backbones) known as amphibians.
  2. Frogs eat insects
  3. Frogs have flipper (webbed) feet.
  4. Frogs have strong back legs that help them jump and hop
  5. They start out as pollywogs.
  6. Frogs lay their eggs in ponds and bogs.
  7. Many frogs are found in warmer climates
  8. They sit on stones and logs
  9. They usually don’t have scales
  10. Most frogs have sticky tongues.

When a frog swallows a meal, his bulgy eyeballs will close and go down into his head! This is because the eyeballs apply pressure and actually push a frog’s meal down his throat. “YUM”


Song About Frogs


Owlton W. Hootley sings his song Hopping Toads and Jumping FrogsA fun song to teach children facts about frogs. They will learn about the environment that frogs live in, what they eat, their appearance, and more. The extremely smart Owlton W. Hootley sings this song.

In the album version, before Owlton begins singing he talks with Billy Gorilly about wanting to be “COOL”. Billy helps him understand that it’s OK to be smart and “kind of nerdy”.



[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Hopping Toads and Jumping Frogs (clip)@

” captions=”Billy Gorilly”]

Buy Hopping Toads and Jumping Frogs @ AmazonCdBabyiTunes


Hop and Jump
: This is a great way for the kids to burn off a little energy.
Have the children hop straight up into the air every time they hear “HOP” or “JUMP” while listening to the HOPPING TOADS AND JUMPING FROGS song. This activity is sure to get a few giggles, gets the kids moving, and helps them listen for key words.

Musical Lily Pads: Create lily pads for the kids to sit on. Draw a lily pad on green construction paper, cutout and laminate if desired. Place on floor so the kids can sit on them. Now you can play musical lily pads. (play just like musical chairs).


Color A Picture

F is for Frogs

Thumbnail of Frogs Coloring Page



Make a Tasty Treat: Frog Theme Recipe

Mr Splashy - A Frogalicious Frozen Treat


Help the Frog Make His Way Through the Maze

Thumbnail of Frog Theme Maze



To learn more about Billy Gorilly visit our website


Until Next Time…

Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
And You Can Make Everyday
Simply Splendiferous!

 and the Billy Gorilly Crew 



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