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Autumn is For Apple Picking

2013 September 19

It’s Apple Picking Time


Autumn Apples

I love this time of year, don’t you? The air is getting cool and crisp, which is a welcome relief after the heat of summer.

This time of year always makes me think about apple picking in Ohio when I was a little girl.

Mom and Dad would take my brother and I to the apple orchard. We would have so much fun seeing who could pick the most apples.

Little Girl Holding a Freshly Picked Apple

Apple Picking Early 1960s


We would fill up a big basket full of delicious fresh apples. When we were done for the day, we would use some of the apples to make apple cider. If I remember correctly, we made it right at the apple farm. The rest of the apples would be used to make baked apples, applesauce, and apple pie. Of course, we would also eat them just as they were. Well, mom did cut them up for us when we were little.

To keep in the spirit of things I would like to share a coloring page of 2 kids carrying a basket full of apples.

If you are a homeschooling family, or teacher this coloring page would make a nice addition to your seasons curriculum.


 Coloring Page

Boy and Girl carrying a basket of applesClick to download and print coloring page

Helping Kids Learn the Names of the Four Seasons

Winter • Spring • Summer • Fall

Listen to Billy Gorilly tell the story of the “Season Sisters”

[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Season Sisters (sample clip)@″ captions=”by Billy Gorilly;”]

Buy Season Sisters @ Amazon  •  CdBaby  •  iTunes

Looking for a Quick and Easy Baked Apple Recipe

Mom’s Baked Apple Slices

Baked Apples



Quick Links

More Autumn Activities
Learn more about Rockin’ The SchoolHouse audio and printables
Coloring Page – Apple Picking



Until Next Time…

Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
And You Can Make Everyday
Simply Splendiferous!

 and the Billy Gorilly Crew 



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