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Important Concept For Children To Learn

2012 October 23

Positive Thinking


During our lifetime we all have bumps in the road that make us stop in our tracks and wonder if life is getting the best of us. Even people who seem to be happy or positive all the time have days when it seems as if everything is going wrong.

The difference between falling apart or picking yourself up and getting back on track is  keeping a positive attitude.

Parents, you can set the stage of positive thinking for your children by being  positive thinkers yourselves. If you have trouble being a positive thinker there are many websites and books out there to help you look at life in a brighter way (Google Positive Thinking).

Children learn to be positive thinkers by being around positive thinking role models. Parents and teachers can have a big impact on how a child learns to think by having positive attitudes themselves.


A Video about Accentuating the Positive by Billy Gorilly

Buy the song at iTunes


Your Words Make A Difference

Your words can be affirmative or negative

For example:

” I hate doing housework” [negative]
“I dislike housework, but I love when it’s nice and clean” [positive]

Making the most of  bad situation

“I can’t believe we have to drive an extra hour and a half because you messed up and went the wrong direction.” [negative]
“At least the traffic isn’t bad and we get to see some new places” [positive]

I could go on but I think you get the idea.


Benefits of Positive Thinking

  • Helps you feel happy
  • Can turn a bad day into a good day
  • Reduces stress
  • Wards off depression
  • Helps you move forward with your aspirations
  • Helps you feel more energized and enthusiastic
  • Helps you stay healthy by boosting your immune system
  • Makes you more fun/pleasurable to be around
  • Helps you to keep calm in stressful situations
  • Helps you to handle bad news better
  • Helps you to look forward when dealing with painful situations
  • Produces greater psychological and physical well-being
  • Positive thinkers cope more effectively to stressful situations
  • Helps you enjoy life to the fullest


We would love to hear your comments. Do you naturally look at things in a positive way or do you really have to work at it?


For more educational resources visit our website 

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