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Dream Big – Read!

2012 January 30

It’s that time again!

Kids holding books with moon - Dream Big - ReadIf you are a librarian, teacher, or parent involved with planning a kids summer reading program this is for you. I know some of you have already started planning your summer library program Dream Big – Read, and Billy Gorilly wants to help. Billy has just released his new library theme song “DREAM BIG – READ”

Producing a song to help promote the Summer Library Reading Program is something we have done for the last 6 years. It’s one way we can help and give back to the community. We love the library and all it has to offer families.

The song is 60 seconds long, perfect for your website, blog, radio ad, or anything else you can think of. This year we do not offer a longer version for sale on any CD. If you use the song all we ask for is to give credit to Billy Gorilly.

We also offer a free Dream Big – Read bookmark, reading log, and coloring sheet that can be downloaded from our website



Take a listen to Billy Gorilly’s library song.

Dream Big – Read by Billy Gorilly






Dream Big – Read!

If you plan to succeed, Dream Big Read
When it’s stories that you need, Dream Big Read

Dream Big Read
Dream Big Read
Your library loans books for free
Borrow one, or two, or three

Dream Big Read
Dream Big Read
If your face could use a smile
Reading books can be worthwhile
Do the right thing, do the bright thing
Dream Big Read

Quick Link:
Billy Gorilly’s Library Song Collection
Bookmarks, Coloring Page, Reading Logs, video, printable lyric sheets


Happy Reading,

and the Billy Gorilly Crew

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