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Billy Gorilly Music Not Just for Kids

2011 December 28

Jingle Bells is not Not just for Kids

Billy Gorilly’s version of Jingle Bells is used on the

NBA Clippers Holiday Greeting e-Card

View Clippers Holiday Greeting E-Card


A Little Bit Of Info…

We first produced this song for an E-card that we wanted to send out to our email list. We didn’t imagine at the time so many people would want to use it in their projects. It’s a good feeling knowing this song is bringing joy to people around the world this holiday season. This Jingle Bells song has been used in video games, charity e-cards and promotional videos, college student movies, personal e-cards, animated “Toymation” videos, and now for an NBA team greeting. The piano is played by John Maellaro for the Billy Gorilly character.

As we head into the new year we want to wish everyone Peace, Joy, and Happiness!

Billy Gorilly
and the Crew

If you are interested in buying a copy of the Jingle Bells song you can find it on iTunes and CDbaby

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