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Flowers and Walking – Good For The Whole Family

2011 March 26
Click the Image to view Larger picture - Flowers along walking path

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Spring is in the air

The boss ( my husband) and I were working at the Billy Gorilly Headquarters yesterday when we both decided we needed a break. We thought for a minute and decided it was a perfect time to take a walk.

Along the walking path the flowers were just starting to bloom. The dark rain clouds in the distance reminded us we needed to move quickly or we would be going back to work soaked.

Of course I had to pull out my iPhone and take pictures. Thank goodness we did make it back to the office before the rain started.

This walk got me thinking about all the “nature” walks we went on with our daughter when she was little. Our walks weren’t out in the country, or any special spot. We would go on nature walks right in our neighborhood. My husband and I would point out things as we saw them. We would stop to smell the pretty flowers. We took the time to look at the bugs crawling on a leaf or squirming on the ground. We would cheer as we saw a squirrel climbing a tree.

In this day and age kids sit a lot. This is why it is so important to get the kids off the couch, computer, or play-station and get them moving.

Going for a walk is a great way to get out of the house, relieve stress, it does not cost anything, it can be educational, and you will have quality time talking to your child/children. Fresh air and exercise, you can’t go wrong with that.

Spring Activities For Early Learning

Over on our Billy Gorilly website I’veĀ  put together some activities for the little ones.

Everything SPRING.
Please stop by and take a look
Spring Activities For Kids

Wishing you all the best,

Music and Fun for Kids

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