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“The Rabbit and the Turtle” done Billy Gorilly Style

2010 September 8
by Billy Gorilly

It’s Podcast Time and We’re Celebrating

© 2010 all rights reserved

Hi Friends,

We hope everyone had a fun-filled summer and we especially want to thank all the librarians and teachers who made the summer reading program a great success. Big thanks to all of you who posted Billy Gorilly’s “Make A Splash” song on your websites, and incorporated it into your summer events.

Just Released

Billy Gorilly Show Podcast for Kids Episode #23
An Educational Radio Show for kids ages 3-6

Proud as a peacock and pleased as punch.

Let’s Celebrate!

The Rockin’ the SchoolHouse series has just been named a 2010 Children’s Educational Products Preferred Choice by Creative Child magazine, and also given their Seal of Excellence award.

Join Billy and his pals as they all sing the Celebration song and have a good time.
Then hear Aesop’s fable “The Rabbit & the Turtle” done Billy Gorilly style. The rabbit’s running fast and the turtle’s taking his time, but see who ends up winning the race.

Click image to go to podcast and activity pageAs always, free activity pages can be downloaded for this episode, so that kids can learn even more.

As Billy Gorilly likes to say

Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
and You Can Make  Everyday
Simply Splendiferous!


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