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A Sweet Little Note and a Hug

2010 July 15
by Billy Gorilly

Did You Know July 19th is National Hug your Child Day?

This year National Hug your child day is on July 19th. It falls on the 3rd Monday in July. So, this year 2010, it’s the 19th. You can find more about the mom who started this special day here.

Of course we believe you should hug your loved ones everyday, but this is a nice reminder to all of us. Life is sometimes fragile and we never want to miss an opportunity to do something nice for the people we care about.

Hugs are great and so are little notes

Who doesn’t like a sweet little note from someone they love and care about, I know I do. I love when I find a note on the steering wheel of my car from my hubby. Or, in my suitcase when I have to travel for work.

Kids are no different. They love it when they find a note tucked into their lunch box or notebook. These notes can be as fancy or as simple as you want or have the time to create.

Don’t worry if your child does not run home after school and jump in your arms praising you for the little note. They might not say anything at all. They will talk about them most when they are older and reminiscing. Saying something like “remember those little notes mom used to put in our lunch box? I loved those notes”.

To help you get started I would like to share with you a free printable from Billy Gorilly.

Download the free printable now ? BillyGorilly_LunchBoxNotes

Have a great day everyone, and don’t forget to give someone a hug!



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