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A Chance To Just Be A Kid

2010 December 2


‘Tis the season to spread the joy of a happy, fortunate life. All of us here at are proud to help out by providing Billy’s version of “Jingle Bells” as the soundtrack for their Viva Christmas Parties promotional video.

Viva’s primary year round focus is facilitating, supporting, and coordinating “Children at Risk” programs that help over 1 million kids in 24 different countries around the world. The programs provide the essentials of food, safety, health care, and education to children that otherwise may go without.

Near the end of each year Viva also sponsors a series of Christmas parties at various locations across Africa, Asia, and Latin America. These parties give children from poor families the opportunity to know the joy of having a good meal, receiving a gift, and sharing in the celebration. But mostly it gives them the chance to just be a kid.

To learn more visit:

Wishing You  A Very Happy Holiday Season,

Billy Gorilly and the Crew

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