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Top Selling Children’s Educational CD

2009 August 9

Number 1, Thanks To You

We want to thank all of you who have purchased copies of the Billy Gorilly CD
The album is currently the top selling children’s educational CD.
We’re very proud and we most certainly couldn’t have done it without you.

Thanks again to all the innovative teachers, dedicated librarians, involved parents,
and loyal fans who understand the power of music to educate and inspire children.


The Entire Billy Gorilly Crew

You can go to Billy Gorilly’s website here
You can view, listen, and buy the Rockin’ the Schoolhouse vol. 1 CD here

Screen shot taken on August 09, 2009

Rockin’ the SchoolHouse vol. 1
Named Top Selling Children’s Educational CD

Top Selling Kids Music_Billy Gorilly: ROCKIN' THE SCHOOLHOUSE VOL. 1 Click image to view, listen, or buy CD

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