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Teaching Kids to Wash Their Hands

2009 June 18

Yuk! Wash Those Dirty Hands

Proper hand washing can help control the spread of germs and keep you healthy.

I was on Twitter and noticed a mom blogger momof2boyswifeof1 had a review and contest going to win some free SoftSoap that is perfect for kids. This made me think about a podcast Billy Gorilly did awhile back teaching kids about washing hands, so I thought it would be a perfect time to share the washing hands part of the podcast. Kids can listen and learn.

Click Link to listenĀ  Billy Gorilly teaches children how to wash their hands

You can download a hand washing tip guide here. It is in .pdf format. I’m sorry but the whole podcast is no longer available.

I hope this little bit of information helps you help your children learn about proper hand washing. I would love to hear your stories on how your get your children to wash your hands

Warm Regards,

Tamara Maellaro, R.N.
Wife, Mom, Nurse, and Co-owner of
Flying Kitten Music

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