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Fun Educational Podcast for Kids

2009 May 6

Kids Learn with Billy Gorilly

Billy Gorilly just started his New Podcast season with episode 16 of the Billy Gorilly Podcast for Kids.bg4pianownotes_becreative-trnsp

This podcast is perfect for young children and it’s free. Each podcast has 3 educational segments. You can listen on Billy’s web site here

Episode 16 also features Billy Gorilly and Mrs. Flickerfireflybrarian talking about the Be Creative Summer Library program. Kids will also get to hear Billy’s Be Creative at your Library theme song.

The other segments include a Counting Backwards song, the story of The Oxen and The Lion, and a very lively song to teach telling time called Do You Know What Time it is?mrsflickerwithbg1

Each segment has downloadable activity pages to make it even more fun. The podcast is 14 minutes long. Learn More and Listen Here

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