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Be Creative @ Your Library—giving back to the community

2009 February 20


Billy Gorilly has done it again. He has released another very fun and catchy library song. This one is called “Be Creative at Your Library”

As a way to give back to the community, Billy Gorilly is offering a free 55 second version of his song to help you promote the summer library program Be Creative @ Your Library 2009.

This song is ready for you to use. it would work perfectly in a radio ad, video, puppet show, or school presentation.

Billy Gorilly’s “Be Creative at Your Library” theme song was designed to grab the attention of children and get them excited about what they can learn at the library…so they will be begging to go.

Please feel free to take a listen, and use this free promotional resource click here

To find out more about Billy Gorilly go to his web site at

Sign Up for Billy Gorilly’s Family Newsletter for all the latest news.

As Billy Gorilly likes to say…
“Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
and you can make everyday
Simply Splendiferous!”

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