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A child playing II Silenzioa (Taps)~Amazing

2009 April 4

This post doesn’t need to say much.  A young girl playing taps on the trumpet like I have never heard before. You just have to watch and listen.  Trumpet is a tough instrument to play, this was beautiful.

Thanks to a reader comment I now have a name. Her name is Melissa Venema. Find out more about her here



8 Responses Post a comment
  1. grannie permalink
    April 5, 2009

    Absolutely WONDERFUL and such effort from one so young. What was the event this was played at?

    • April 5, 2009

      I am very sorry that I don’t have the name of the girl. I think the name of the conductor is Joseph Rouleau. The girl is in 5th grade according to youtube.

      If anyone knows the name of the girl I will post it. She deserves to have her name here.

      • Dennis permalink
        July 16, 2009

        The conductor is Andre Rieu, outstanding

  2. Kevin permalink
    April 10, 2009

    Her name is Melissa Venema.

  3. Kevin permalink
    April 11, 2009

    My pleasure.

  4. Robyn permalink
    December 2, 2009

    I don’t care if it is “Taps” or “Il Silenzioa” or what… it’s a beautiful rendition. And, no matter what you can still hear “Taps” w/in it. Instead of people having a “pissing contest” over the name of the song on other “Gunny Approved” web sites, they should remember what it is truly about– the sentiment of 1 last beautiful song to cross our soldiers to The Other Side, this time coming from the lips of angel. Thank you for such a beautiful post.

  5. December 2, 2009

    Thank you for your kind words and taking the time to comment. I agree it doesn’t matter what it’s called it’s beautiful and special.

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