Dashing Through The Snow
Hello friends,
We wanted to share another coloring page with you. This one is a horse pulling a sleigh carrying a tree.
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> Santa Sleigh with Reindeer, includes Jingle Bells lyrics and song
> Visit BillyGorilly.com to learn more about Billy Gorilly
> Winter themed printables
> Santa Sleigh with Reindeer Coloring Page NO Lyrics
Lively Piano Jingle Bells Song
Jingle Bells song has been around for many years and is a family favorite in many homes around the world.
Jingle Bells song by Billy Gorilly is a lively piano version and makes a great addition to your winter or Christmas themed curriculum or home audio playlist.
Great For The Whole Family
Play Jingle Bells song while the kids color a picture or work on other holiday crafts.
Listen to Jingle Bells
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Jingle Bells@http://billygorilly.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/JingleBells-by-BillyGorilly-clip.mp3″ captions=”by Billy Gorilly;”]
Santa’s Sleigh & Reindeer Coloring Page with Jingle Bell Lyrics
Print Lyrics to Jingle Bells
Jingle Bell Lyrics
Dashing through the snow
In a one horse open sleigh
O’er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bob tails ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to laugh and sing
A sleighing song tonight
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
A Jingle Bells Message From Billy Gorilly
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Visit BillyGorilly.com to learn more about Billy Gorilly
Winter themed printables
Santa Sleigh with Reindeer Coloring Page NO Lyrics
A Jingle Bells Message From Billy Gorilly + Coloring Page
Some time back, we thought it would be fun to have Billy Gorilly play Jingle Bells on the piano. We figured it was something we could do to spread the holiday spirit, so we made the recording available to everyone and encouraged people to use it, share it, and enjoy it.
The response was amazing! Recently as we were searching YouTube, we discovered there were hundreds and hundreds of people who had included the recording as the soundtrack to their holiday videos. We were truly moved by the fact that so many people from all over the world felt the joy and happiness of the music and wanted to make it part of their holiday celebration. It might sound cliché but music is really the Universal Language.
We hope that this video will make you smile.
If you can’t see the video because you are viewing this post in your email
you can see it here
Jingle Bells song @ Amazon and iTunes
Santa Sleigh and Reindeer Coloring Page
Grab your free coloring page. The printable is in pdf format
Happy Holidays,
From everyone here at BillyGorilly.com
Jingle Bell Lyrics and Bell Coloring Pages
Winter Themed Printables
Hot Cocoa Mix Recipe, Gift Tags, & Snowman Coloring Page
Happy Halloween
Enjoy & Be Safe!
A joke for you
What do spiders do for fun on Halloween?
_ Surf the web!
Hahaha have a wonderful day!
The picture is from a handmade card my dear friend Luci sent to us. I thought it was so cute I just had to share it.
It’s Apple Picking Time
I love this time of year, don’t you? The air is getting cool and crisp, which is a welcome relief after the heat of summer.
This time of year always makes me think about apple picking in Ohio when I was a little girl.
Mom and Dad would take my brother and I to the apple orchard. We would have so much fun seeing who could pick the most apples.

Apple Picking Early 1960s
We would fill up a big basket full of delicious fresh apples. When we were done for the day, we would use some of the apples to make apple cider. If I remember correctly, we made it right at the apple farm. The rest of the apples would be used to make baked apples, applesauce, and apple pie. Of course, we would also eat them just as they were. Well, mom did cut them up for us when we were little.
To keep in the spirit of things I would like to share a coloring page of 2 kids carrying a basket full of apples.
If you are a homeschooling family, or teacher this coloring page would make a nice addition to your seasons curriculum.
Coloring Page
Helping Kids Learn the Names of the Four Seasons
Winter • Spring • Summer • Fall
Listen to Billy Gorilly tell the story of the “Season Sisters”
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Season Sisters (sample clip)@http://www.billygorilly.com/Media/SeasonSisters-SampleClip_BillyGorilly.mp3″ captions=”by Billy Gorilly;”]
Buy Season Sisters @ Amazon • CdBaby • iTunes
Looking for a Quick and Easy Baked Apple Recipe
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More Autumn Activities
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Coloring Page – Apple Picking
Until Next Time…
Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
And You Can Make Everyday
Simply Splendiferous!
and the Billy Gorilly Crew
Billy Gorilly’s Makeover Continues
Billy Gorilly talks about his trip to the salon where he tried out some new hairdos.
We’ve been having fun trying out the new Billy Gorilly. Now we move onto planning our next video.
Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
And You Can Make Everyday
Simply Splendiferous!
Skip Counting by Fives
Things to think about when learning to count by fives
• Counting by fives means you add five to the previous number i.e. 5, 10 ,15
• When you start skip counting by fives; starting with the number 5, the numbers are…
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100
• You can count by fives starting with other numbers for example; if you start with the number 1 the numbers are…. 1, 6, 11, 16 etc.
• Starting with 5 makes a nice pattern that helps beginners grasp the concept much easier. For this post we are going to count by fives, starting with the number 5.
Learn to Count by Fives by Singing a Song
The rhythmic repetition and call back in this song will get the kids familiar with counting by fives. Play the Counting by Fives song to start a teaching session, or play the song in the car while you and the kids are driving around town. Learning songs are a great teaching tool that can be used with children of any age. The great thing about a song is a child can listen to the music in the background as they play with a toy.
Take a listen to Billy Gorilly’s Counting by Fives song
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Counting by Fives@http://billygorilly.com/Media/Counting-By-Fives_sample-clip.mp3″ captions=”by Billy Gorilly;”]
Buy Songs at Amazon • CdBaby • iTunes
Play a Game – Counting by Fives Cootie Catcher
Do you remember playing with cootie catchers when you were a kid? I loved this game when I was in elementary school. The template for this cootie catcher can be found in our Rockin’ the SchoolHouse Printables, Vol. 2 eBook along with counting by fives worksheets and flash card templates.
Because you are reading this post we want to give you a gift. Download and print the template for this cootie catcher right here, free. The file is in .pdf format
Print Now
Kids will have fun playing with this cootie catcher and at the same time they will be practicing counting by fives.
How to Play “Counting by Fives” Cootie Catcher Game
• One player holds the cootie catcher
• The other player picks a number on one of the outside panels
• The first player opens and closes the cootie catcher, counting by fives aloud
• The second player then picks a number from one of the inside panels
• The first player opens and closes the cootie catcher, counting by fives aloud
• The second player again picks a number from one of the inside panels
• Open the panel under the number chosen to reveal the hidden message
• You can play over and over. You can even make your own cootie catcher with plain paper, and add your own messages.
Counting by Five Worksheets
Worksheets are a good way to practice writing and to document a child’s knowledge of a concept. Worksheets can be taken anywhere and you don’t need electronics to work on them.
Worksheets are a great way to help children grasp the many new and important concepts they need to learn.
Printable worksheets can be used in the classroom or support learning at home.
You can find a collection of printable counting by fives worksheets and flash cards in the Rockin’ the SchoolHouse eBook, Vol. 2 Learn More…
We like sharing and we want to share this counting by fives worksheet with you. The file is in .pdf format
Print Now
Three Activities to Practice Counting by Fives
- Gather 100 items such as lego blocks, coins, or pieces of paper. Tip: Use a paper punch with scrap card stock to make shapes.
We used a 1 inch heart punch to make our 100 pieces. Next place the items in groups of five. It helps when the students can see what a group of five looks like. Start with four groups of five, using 20 of the items. As the student progresses add more groups until they can count groups of five all the way up to 100.
- Use counting by fives flash cards to practice finding the missing number. Make your own cards, print from a template, or buy pre-made, its’ up to you. We offer a counting by fives flash card template in Billy Gorilly’s Rockin’ the SchoolHouse printables, Vol. 2 ebook. Line up the flash cards in a row starting with 5, 10, 15 etc. Now, remove a few of the numbers. Place the numbers you removed in a pile, then have the student put the correct numbers in the missing spots.
- Once the student is getting the hang of things, have them take the counting by fives flash cards and put them in order from 5-100.
These are easy activities that can be used over and over.
Until Next Time…
Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
And You Can Make Everyday
Simply Splendiferous!
Having a Little Fun With Billy
Testing Billy Gorilly’s new mouth
Big, Small, or Hardly There at All
Getting Ready for Kindergarten
By the time children enter kindergarten they should have an understanding of BIG and small. There are many ways to teach children the concept of big and small, large and little, huge and tiny. We have put together a few suggestions that would be excellent to use both at home or in the classroom.
Introducing the Concept of Big and Small
Use Learning Songs to Introduce Kids to Big and Little
Songs are a great way to introduce the concept of big and small. Children love repetition and a song can be played over and over. Listening with headphones, means the room will be quiet, or each child can listen to a different song without disturbing other students. Songs are also good for making difficult to learn concepts easier to grasp. Such as, something may seem big until it’s next to something even bigger.
Learning songs are great for a classroom full of kids, or for one child learning at home.
A song can be played in the background in the classroom or at home. A learning song can also be listened to while riding in the car. Each time a child listens to the song a concept is being reinforced. Hearing the words will help children to correctly pronounce the words. It also helps the child remember the words.
Take a listen to Billy Gorilly’s song that will help kids learn about Big and Small.
Listen to Big, Small, or Hardly There at All
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Big Small or Hardly There at All@http://billygorilly.com/Media/Big-Small-or-hardly-there-at-all_sample.mp3″ captions=”by Billy Gorilly;”]
Buy at Amazon • CdBaby • iTunes
Song Lyrics
Billy: Can you name a giant thing, a thing that’s really big?
Pablo: Yes I can. Yes I can. A whale is a giant thing, a thing that’s really big.
Billy: Yes, that’s right it is.
Can you name an itty, bitty tiny little thing?
Betty: Yes I can. Yes I can. A mouse is an itty, bitty tiny little thing.
Billy: Yes, that’s right it is.
A whale is big, a mouse is small.
A whale’s a giant while the mouse is hardly there at all.
But to a flea a mouse would be
As big as a whale is to you and me
So whether anything looks huge or tiny tiny small
The size of a whale or hardly there at all
Owlton: It depends on how its size fits in with all the things around it
All: ‘Cause even that huge old whale looks small
In the ocean that surrounds it
Make A Big, Small, or Hardly There At All Mini-Book
Easy to Make Craft
Print • Fold • Staple • You’re Done!
Billy Gorilly’s mini-book is great to use when the children are listening to the Big, Small or Hardly There at All song. The child can follow along with the words as the song is playing.
The Big and Small book template can be found in Rockin’ the SchoolHouse, Vol. 2 Printables eBook. You will also find worksheets for Big and Small plus many more.
Make your own books by stapling several sheets of paper together. Write a title on the cover. Kids can cut out pictures from old magazines and paste them into their books. Or, get out the markers and have the kids draw their own big and small pictures. Make your books as simple or elaborate as you want.
Simple Activities to Teach Big and Little
Use Common Items to Teach Big and Small
Take a look around the house and gather a few things that are similar, but different in size.
For instance:
- A large box and a small box
- Large can and small can
- Big rock and a little rock
- Big piece of paper and a little piece of paper
1. Set the items side by side. Write Big and Small on pieces of paper and put them in front of the row of items as shown in picture. Say to the child, or children as you point to the large item “this is BIG” then, point to the small item and say…. “this is small”. Have the child repeat the words Big and Small when you point to the object.
2. Hold 2 items, such as the big rock and little rock. Ask them to point to the big rock and then the small rock.
3. Once they have the hang of it move all the items so they are not in the big and small rows. Next, have the child pick up each pair of items i.e. big and small rock, and put the big items in the big row and the small items in the small row. Guide them as necessary.
Caution Alert: I noticed I used a very small rock in the image. If your child is under 4 use a larger rock or item. Remember small items are a choking hazard for young children.
Big and Small in Daily Life
A great way to help young children to learn about big and small is to talk about it as you go about your day. For instance, when you’re at the grocery store you might say…. ” Do I want this BIG can of soup, or this little can of soup” as you point to each. Or, you might hold 2 apples, one big and one smaller and ask “which apple is big”.
When you see something during your day that can teach the big and small concept talk about it with your child. It might be a big dog and a little dog playing with each other, a big ball and a little ball, you get the idea.
Once your child has a grasp of big and small its then time to start getting into more detail like Biggest, big, small, and smallest. As they grasp each concept you can move onto the next.
Until Next Time…
Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
And You Can Make Everyday
Simply Splendiferous!
Summer is here and it’s the perfect time to make strawberry shortcake. The grocery stores and farmers markets have beautiful strawberries this time of year. This recipe for strawberry shortcake is the same one my mom, grandma, and great grandma used to make. The only difference is my grandma’s used home baked biscuits, pound cake, or angel food cake. I usually use the store bought cakes because its easier. I also use whip cream in the can. I have made my own whipped cream and I have used frozen whipped topping, but I aways go back to the canned whip. This is a very simple recipe and it’s sure to be a hit with the family.
Cool • Light • Fabulous
Printable recipe at end of post.
Print Recipe