Fall Coloring Fun! 
Its Back To School Time and I don’t know about you, but we’re very happy to get back into a routine.
To get you in the fall spirit we would like to share a September Coloring Page for the kids. Of course, adults you can color too!
Is your child working on learning the Months of the Year?
Billy Gorilly’s MONTHS OF THE YEAR song can help.
Singing helps kids learn
Listen to Months of the Year
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Months of the Year@http://www.billygorilly.com/activities-printables/seasons/3/audio/months-of-the-year-clip.mp3″ captions=”by Billy Gorilly;”]
Buy Months of the Year song at Amazon and iTunes
TIP: Work on the coloring page as you have the song playing in the background.
Download Coloring Page
Months of the Year video
Get More Fall Activities
> More free Fall activities click here
> Learn more about Billy Gorilly, visit his website at BillyGorilly.com
> Learn more about Billy Gorilly’s Rockin’ the SchoolHouse audio and printable pages.
Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
And You Can Make Everyday
Simply Splendiferous!
and the Billy Gorilly Crew
Billy Gorilly also has a song to go along with Make A Splash @ Your Library Reading Programs.
Take a listen to the Promo version of Make A Splash — Read!
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Make A Splash@http://billygorilly.com/Library/Sound_Clips/MakeASplash_AtYourLibrary_ByBillyGorilly_PromotionalVersion.mp3″ captions=”by Billy Gorilly;”]
Click Here For more Free Make A Splash activities
How To Make Your Aquarium
Supplies Needed: • Print Out Template > Scissors — Circle cutter (optional) > Tape > Stapler > Crayons > Pencil > 2-8in. paper plates > Saran Wrap (optional) > Green Easter Grass (optional) 1. Print Out the Aquarium Template 2. Color the picture 3. Cut out the image
4. Draw the circle on the paper plate
5. Cut out the circle
6. Tape your colored aquarium circle to the plate
7. (Optional) – Add Easter Grass to the plate
8. (Optional) Saran Wrap Note: saran wrap can be a choking hazard for kids under 3
9. Tape or Staple plates together
Enjoy Your Aquarium
Get the Aquarium Craft Template Now Click Here
> Buy Billy Gorilly’s Make A Splash song Click Here It’s on the Rockin’ The SchoolHouse, Vol. 1 audio CD > Visit Billy Gorilly’s Website Click Here > More Library Themed Resources by Billy Gorilly Click Here
I love Great Tips!
Printing on Post-It notes has all kinds of possibilities. I think teachers and homeschool families could find many uses for these. I couldn’t wait to share what I just learned how to do.
I must give credit to Jillee over at One Good Thing by Jilee. I found her site through Pinterest, when a teacher friend of mine liked it. Jillee gives great instructions and has cute pictures. My instructions here are very brief.
I couldn’t wait to try it. I used MS word to make my template. I tried my new Adobe InDesign program, but I don’t know how to use it yet, and it was taking too long to figure out.
These are so easy to make you are going to be making all kinds of personal notes.
1. Print the letters you need on 8.5×11″ paper. I created a table and removed the borders. Tip: Before printing the letters on my page
I made a small pencil mark on the paper so I could figure out the right way to insert the paper with the attached post-it’s.
2. Stick the post-its over the letters.
3. Print again with the post-its on the page and you are done.
I hope you have fun making your own personalized notes.
Let me know what you think.
Months of the Year
Billy Gorilly’s Months of the Year Song will help kids remember the names and order of the months.
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Months of the Year@http://www.billygorilly.com/activities-printables/seasons/3/audio/months-of-the-year-clip.mp3″ captions=”by Billy Gorilly;”]
Buy this song at CD BABY || ITUNES
Download your free coloring page. Kids can listen to the song as they color
Coloring is not only fun, it’s a great tool to use to teach.
Download and print August coloring page
Get More Summer Activities
> For more summer activities click here
> Learn more about Billy Gorilly, visit his website at BillyGorilly.com
Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning,
Tamara and the Billy Gorilly Crew
Summertime coloring fun…
Download, Print, & Color this July coloring page for the kids.
Months of the Year Song
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Months of the Year@http://www.billygorilly.com/activities-printables/seasons/3/audio/months-of-the-year-clip.mp3″ captions=”by Billy Gorilly;”]
Buy Months of the Year song at Amazon • CdBaby • iTunes
Get more summer activity pages and recipes here
Months of the Year song at itunes
Visit our website billygorilly.com
Until next time
Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning,
I was at a party recently and one of the guest brought some chocolate covered pretzels with nuts. Everyone raved about how tasty they were. I ate two (so much for self control).
I did not have a recipe so I just decided to wing it. They are extremely easy to make, simple as 123. The pretzel snacks took less than 15minutes to make from start to finish (not counting waiting time for them to harden). These would be great for you to make for a kids party, BBQ, Memorial Day, July 4th, presidents day, or anytime.
Patriotic Pretzel Stick Recipe
Just a little note: I used the brands listed below because I had the chips in the pantry, the Snyder pretzel rods had the fewest broken ones, and the Wilton patriotic sprinkles were on sale.
1 bag pretzel rods (Snyders)
10oz. bag white chocolate chips (trader Joes)
1 jar Patriotic Mix sprinkles (Wilton)
Wax paper
Put a piece of wax paper on the kitchen counter or on a rectangle baking tray. Use some sort of microwave safe container to melt the chips (deep enough to dip the pretzel rods). I used a 4-cup pyrex measuring cup. Pour the white chocolate chips into the container. To melt the chips cook in microwave for 1-1/2minutes, stir with butter knife then cook another 30seconds and stir again.
Take a pretzel stick and dip into melted chocolate to coat. I tilted the measuring cup to get the chocolate far enough up the pretzel. Holding the pretzel horizontal I twirled it until no more chocolate was dripping. Then, hold the pretzel over a plate and sprinkle with candy stars or whatever you choose. Set the pretzel on wax paper and continue with the next one. I made 12 pretzel stix with some leftover chocolate which I used for dipped strawberries.
Now all you have to do is wait until the chocolate hardens. I had trouble being patient so I put them on a tray and popped them into the refrigerator for 5-minutes. This helped them harden. I waited another 30-minutes to put them into cellophane wrappers. You could use saran wrap. I tied the ends of the wrappers with some patriotic ribbon for a finishing touch (watch out, Martha Stewart).
My husband came home from work and ate 2 of them giving them 5 out of 5 stars for goodness.
I can’t believe how easy these were to make. You must try these with the kids. Even very young children can help by sprinkling the candies on the pretzels.
I know there are probably many other recipes out there for these treats, but this one worked very well for me. I hope this helps you make and enjoy your own homemade treats.
Get More Stars and Stripe Themed Recipes and Printables
Visit Billy Gorilly’s Website for all our educational resources
Let me know what you think about this recipe. The comment box is below.
Hello friends,
We have been busy updating our computers and we’re anxious to get back to work on our first animated video. It’s taking a bit longer than we expected, isn’t that always the case with technology. Our old computers kind of crashed in the middle of the video project so we had to head over to the Apple store for new and improved macs. We are praying we don’t have to start from the beginning creating Billy Gorilly’s Ac-Cen-Tchu-Ate the Positive video. Our fingers and toes are crossed.
In the mean time I want to share with you A June coloring page for the kiddos. If your child is learning about the month of June or how to spell June, this would be perfect.

Print coloring page
Months of the Year Song
[mp3-jplayer tracks=”Months of the Year@http://www.billygorilly.com/activities-printables/seasons/3/audio/months-of-the-year-clip.mp3″ captions=”by Billy Gorilly;”]
Buy Months of the Year song at Amazon • CdBaby • iTunes
Get more summer activity pages and recipes here
Billy Gorilly also has a Months of the Year song you can find at itunes
Visit our website billygorilly.com
Keep Smiling, Singing, and Learning
And You Can Make Everyday
Simply Splendiferous!
and the Billy Gorilly Crew
View original article here
by Jeanne Barrett (May 2012)
Welcome to our May Lime Squeeze, Tamara Maellaro! Tamara is inspiring children with a singing gorilla named Billy Gorilly…one story and one song at a time!
As Tamara looks back on her life, there are many things that led her to where she is today. She has always loved children, teaching, and music – though she didn’t realize back then that those would combine for creating a successful children’s website today.
Born and raised in Southern California, Tamara was very involved in sports and was a competitive runner. Music was also always a big part of her family life. “My father had a drum set, my brother played drums too, and I played flute and piccolo,” shares Tamara. “In junior high, I quit running and started to focus on music. In high school, I was part of a concert band that toured Europe and we even made an album at a large music studio in Sweden.”
After high school, Tamara pursued nursing and ended up working in a neo-natal/pediatrics unit. “I took care of children who came out of intensive care. I used music with my patients. I noticed that music calmed them down.” Even though Tamara wasn’t touring anymore or actively pursing a music career, she was using her musical talents with her patients and noticing a difference with their moods and healing.
At 28 years old, Tamara met her husband, John Maellaro, a music teacher and composer. “My husband has a wide variety of students. He teaches private music lessons for people ages 4 to 90,” says Tamara. Together, they decided to come up with a website and create educational, positive songs and stories for children. “We have a love for music and it’s something we can share with others. We wanted to accentuate the positive in life and use music to teach children. We like learning, too! We designed the website, and I do the graphic arts, worksheets and blog posts. John does the character’s voices, and writes the songs with a colleague, Charles Hardman. My husband also does the voice for our main character, Billy Gorilly, in an upbeat, classic style.”
The Billy Gorilly website and songs are aimed for children ages 3-7. Billy Gorilly sings songs and tells stories to kids that encourage cooperation, honesty, responsibility, and tolerance. The website is a wonderful educational tool for children – with not only music and stories, but coloring pages, puzzles, recipes for kids, and even sheet music! They offer a family newsletter and the whole website encourages reading and learning through music.
The amazing reach they’ve had worldwide makes Tamara very grateful. “We have customers ordering the music from Mexico and Canada, and they are using the songs to learn the English language. That’s the beauty of the Internet and social media. It’s such a nice feeling to know that we can help people from other countries to learn English through our music and characters. We recently received a thank you note from a library in Australia thanking us for our songs. Each year, we write a library song and donate it to libraries for free. It’s a small way we can give back,” shares Tamara. The library songs can also be downloaded for free from their website for anyone to enjoy – they just ask that you give “Billy Gorilly” the credit, and not sell the songs.
The beauty of the business is how Tamara and her husband work together.
They both have… Read Original Article Here
To learn more about Livin’ Lime, please visit their website livinlime.com
Thank you Livin’ Lime for choosing me to be your May “Lime Squeeze”, I’m truly humbled and honored.